Linguistic immersion - what is it?
What is "immersion" of a child in the language? What are the benefits of language immersion and when is it worth starting to learn foreign languages using this method? We invite you to read.
Linguistic Immersion - Linguistic Immersion
There is a reason why we use vocabulary related to water when talking about learning and assimilating foreign languages. Linguistic immersion, or immersion in languageis the best way to become monolingual to become bilingual or multilingual. It does not require additional work, or even the awareness that we acquire knowledge of a foreign language. That is why it is perfect for children. No wonder their minds are like sponges and they absorb everything that happens around you, consuming incredible resources of new knowledge.
The linguistic subconscious
Language immersion - what else is worth paying attention to? First of all, the fact that there is no lower age limit to start communing with a foreign language. Research indicates that the crying intonation of infants depends on what type of language resonated around the mum in third trimester of pregnancy (eg French - rising intonation, and German - falling intonation), so we can already speak of the linguistic "subconscious". It is also known that before the thirtieth week of life, children distinguish new words from those they heard before.
see also | Bilingual Education
This knowledge helps us a lot in working with bilingual groups. Linguistic immersion, i.e. immersion in a foreign language, is everyday life for our staff. Parents see and appreciate it, however the kids are just having a great timewithout even knowing that they are acquiring knowledge of a second language.
What is language immersion?
What does it mean to "immerse" a child in a foreign language? What are the benefits of language immersion and when is the best time to start teaching foreign languages with the use of this method? Please read to find out.
Language immersion
It is not without reason that we use water-related vocabulary when talking about learning and acquiring foreign languages. Linguistic immersion is the best way to become bilingual or multilingual. It does not require any additional work, and often does not even require the awareness that we are learning a foreign language. Therefore, it is perfect for children whose minds are like sponges and absorb everything that happens around them. The more new knowledge appears around them, the more they soak up.
Linguistic subconscious
Language immersion - what else is worth noting? Firstly, that there is no lower age limit to start interacting with a foreign language. Research indicates that the intonation of crying babies depends on the type of language that could be heard around their mothers in the third trimester of pregnancy (eg French - ascending and German - descending), so we can already talk about the linguistic 'subconscious'. It is also known that before the age of eight months old, children distinguish new words from those they heard before.
This knowledge helps us work with bilingual groups. Immersion in a foreign language is everyday life for our staff. Parents see it and appreciate it, while children simply have fun without even knowing that they are learning a second language.