Educational programs and projects

As experts, we know that the first years of life are crucial for a child's development, and the competences acquired during this time are the basis for success in the future.

That is why we implement programs with each child's future in mind

Our Intentional Bilingualism Program based on the one person – one language model, with elements of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), TPR (Total Physical Response) and Phonics

Language immersion – immersion in English – from the first days in kindergarten, children are immersed in English, which, just like Polish, accompanies preschoolers both during teaching classes and everyday activities 

Science&Fun –  fun with English robot Emys

Academia de español - games in Spanish (6-year-olds) *

*does not apply to the kindergarten in Józefosław

What will your child gain?

  • We will teach your child to communicate freely in an English-speeking environment, we will enable them to start education in bilingual schools

  • We will prepare you to use the most popular languages in the world

Glottodidactics – writing and reading program according to the concept of prof. B. Rocławski

Children's mathematics – Prof. E. Gruszczyk-Kolczyńska's program developing mathematical-logical and visual-spatial intelligence

Chess Academy – at 5 and 6 years old 

Modern technologies program: 

  • Fun in English with interactive Robot Emys

  • Basics coding and programming with Ozobots (implemented at the following institution: University of Technology) 

  • Programming with Genibot 

  • Programming with Robot Zosia 
    (we carry out at the facility: Bemowo II) 
  • Coding (5-year-olds)

  • Programming with Scottie Go (6-year-olds) 

What will your child gain?

  • We will develop your child's reading comprehension and writing skills

  • We will develop mathematical and logical skills, we will teach you to draw conclusions, associate, classify, and think in terms of cause and effect

  • We will teach you to use technologies necessary in the modern world safely and consciously

Key competences – a program supporting the child's development in acquiring the most important skills that determine subsequent success in personal and professional life, using, among others, new technologies (multimedia boards, interactive carpets, English-speaking Emysy robots, Genibots, Ozobots)

Mindfulness and relaxation – a project that strengthens concentration and memory, reduces the level of anxiety and stress, and teaches how to cope with new situations.

My time – a project enabling children to take care of themselves and their needs

What will your child gain?

  • We will strengthen your child's concentration and memory, their awareness and awareness of their own emotions

  • We will teach how to deal with new situations

  • We will show ways of relaxing and calming down

  • We will discover your child's talents and potential

  • We will teach conscious use of new technologies

Orange land  and Little Gulliver – own adaptation program developing motor, intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence - implemented in groups of the youngest 2.5-3 year olds throughout September

Attachment Educational Program – The Land of Relationships in the Spirit of Positive Discipline – own, original program, the pillars of which are:

  • positive discipline
  • attachment parenting
  • communication without violence
  • self-reg
  • mindfulness.

It prepares you to understand your own and other people's emotions and feelings, and teaches you values and social norms (3-6 year olds)

TUS – Social Skills Training – 8-week series of workshops developing communication skills, the ability to express one's thoughts, feelings and needs, establishing and maintaining relationships with others (6 years old)

Silence lessons according to the Montessori method - a project that strengthens focus and attention (from 4-year-olds)

Kindly leaders - a project teaching important social and life skills, i.e. respect, caring for others, cooperation, empathy (6-year-olds)

What will your child gain?

  • We will help your child discover how capable and competent he is, encourage them to constructively use their personal strength and autonomy

  • We will strengthen self-esteem, self-confidence, and internal motivation to act

  • We will teach you effective communication, problem-solving skills, building lasting relationships and making friends

Jump Out! Always active – always Eco! – a health-promoting project promoting an active lifestyle, shaping children's habits of actively spending time outdoors and a responsible approach to nature and ecology

Multisensory Education - a project supporting sensory integration, stimulating all senses in children: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste, as well as deep feeling and balance

Friends of nature – own pro-ecological program

Cuisines of the world – a health project promoting healthy, conscious eating and introducing the cultures of various countries


What will your child gain?

  • We will improve all the senses of your child, large and small motor skills, eye-hand coordination, balance, precision of movements, concentration

  • We will teach respect for nature, pro-ecological habits, healthy eating habits

  • We will make your child aware of the importance of exercise and physical activity for health

Little financier - a project developing mathematical and logical, intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence (6-year-olds)

What will your child gain?

  • Let us equip your child with basic knowledge in the field of small economy, finance and entrepreneurship

  • We will teach you the principles of saving and making rational decisions when shopping

15 minutes with classical music - a music project combined with learning the dining etiquette

10 minutes with a book - a project that stimulates children's curiosity, develops their interests, and educates the habit of acquiring knowledge throughout their lives


What will your child gain?

  • We will awaken your child's aesthetic sensitivity, we will show the value of books and music in human life

  • We will teach the principles of savoir-vivre

Your child's future begins today

- let's take care of her together

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