
UNICEF certificate for our kindergarten

Children from PC Italy became involved in the beautiful UNICEF campaign "All the colors of the world" supporting the fight against the epidemic of diseases in Angola. We were awarded a certificate with thanks for our commitment.

Our preschoolers from the facility in Włochy were involved in the implementation of the project, with the support of the teachers and parents. The teachers introduced the children to the subject and invited them on a journey across continents, during which preschoolers learned about regional costumes, customs and culture of inhabitants of other countries and continents.

As part of the campaign, parents prepared a special one with their children charity doll UNICEF. This doll was a symbol of helpthat the children want to give to their peers from poor countries. Each doll had its name, country it comes from, some hobby. All these features were given to them by children who, when starting work, decided for themselves which country their doll would represent. It was up to them what color the skin of the doll would be, how it would be dressed and what name it would be called.

After that time, the kindergarten took place exhibition, during which everyone could choose a doll, take care of it, and at the same time save the life of a real child from Angola by donating for this purpose (minimum PLN 10). After the campaign was completed, the collected funds (PLN 1348) were transferred to the UNICEF account and dedicated to a fundraiser for children in Angola.

The aim of the project was:

  • shaping an attitude of tolerance and openness to other cultures among children and adolescents,
  • showing that helping can be not only useful, but also enjoyable,
  • raising funds to save the lives of children in Angola.

Thanks to this intergenerational cooperation, small, ragged works of art were created, and in the kindergarten it was possible to instill a willingness to help people in need.

Design "All Colors of the World" is a response to the extremely serious problem of the epidemic of diseases developing in Angola. We want to make children and adolescents aware that helping can be pleasant and associated with positive emotions, and that thanks to their involvement it is possible to save a child's life. The project is supported by the UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, Majka Jeżowska.

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