
We have a flexible approach to the needs of parents! In addition to permanent contracts, we offer DAILY AGREEMENTS with a fee only for the days of the child's stay in a kindergarten or nursery.

To meet the parents' needs, we offer PERMANENT AND DAILY AGREEMENTS to choose from (payment only for the days of the child's presence in the kindergarten).

When is it worth using the daytime contract?

  • You have an unstable professional situation and you do not want to make new commitments.
  • You work remotely from home and do not need daily childcare.
  • Sometimes there are days when you have to focus intensely on your professional responsibilities and you cannot give your child enough attention and time.
  • You want your child to have comprehensive development and keep in touch with peers.
  • You want to use the kindergarten only when you have such a need and only pay for the days when your child is present.

When is it worth choosing a permanent contract?

  • You want your child to have dynamic, comprehensive intellectual, social and emotional development through everyday participation in didactic and educational activities, free games, additional activities and preschool events.
  • You want to provide your child with daily contact with peers and systematically develop his social competences.
  • You want your child to have daily contact with the English language and regularly develop their competences in this area.
  • You want your child to be guaranteed a permanent place in a kindergarten or nursery group. 


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Learning to play chess in kindergarten

17th Orange Train Kindergarten Chess Tournament

"Teach your children to play chess and you can be confident about their future." (Paul Morphy). We are pleased to announce that the 17th edition will take place on June 23 (Sunday).


#CiuchciaTeam teachers as actors 🧡

Teachers of #CiuchciaTeam Bielany as actors in the play "Spring Troubles of the Smurfs". On the occasion of the first days of spring, our teachers from Pomarańczowa Ciuchcia in Bielany organized a...

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