On the first Saturday of April, we invite you to an open day at our kindergarten in Włochy (ul. Śląska 36). The invitation is addressed to children from 1 to 4 years of age who are not yet preschoolers, as well as to their parents / guardians. On this day, we will invite babies to rhythmic games with music.
Together with the children, we will discover the world of rhythmics by engaging percussion instruments. Joint clan games will not only strengthen the integration of toddlers with their peers, but also allow them to improve their sense of rhythm. Children will get to know the song "Nutki", improvising it with movement. The game "Cleaning on a staff" will allow the little ones to shape the proper path of breathing. While having fun together, there will also be familiar guitar and piano sounds, so liked by children. A good opportunity to improve small motor skills and develop creativity will be the creation of "Nutka" art work using colored paper, black cards and ribbons.